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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - code


Связанные словари


(codes, coding, coded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A code is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be done. ...Article 159 of the Turkish penal code. ...local building codes. N-COUNT: oft n N, N of n 2. A code is a system of replacing the words in a message with other words or symbols, so that nobody can understand it unless they know the system. They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters... If you can’t remember your number, write it in code in a diary. N-COUNT: also in N 3. A code is a group of numbers or letters which is used to identify something, such as a postal address or part of a telephone system. Callers dialing the wrong area code will not get through. N-COUNT 4. A code is any system of signs or symbols that has a meaning. It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals. N-COUNT 5. The genetic code of a person, animal or plant is the information contained in DNA which determines the structure and function of cells, and the inherited characteristics of all living things. Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature. N-COUNT: with supp, V n 6. To code something means to give it a code or to mark it with its code. He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely... VERB: V n 7. Computer code is a system or language for expressing information and instructions in a form which can be understood by a computer. (COMPUTING) N-UNCOUNT 8. see also bar code, Highway Code, machine code, morse code, postcode, zip code
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin caudex, ~x trunk of a tree, document formed originally from wooden tablets  Date: 14th century  1. a systematic statement of a body of law; especially one given statutory force  2. a system of principles or rules moral ~  3.  a. a system of signals or symbols for communication  b. a system of symbols (as letters or numbers) used to represent assigned and often secret meanings  4. genetic ~  5. a set of instructions for a computer  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; coding)  Date: 1815  transitive verb to put in or into the form or symbols of a ~  intransitive verb to specify the genetic ~ a gene that ~s for a protein  • codable adjective  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols, used to represent others for secrecy or brevity. 2 a system of prearranged signals, esp. used to ensure secrecy in transmitting messages. 3 Computing a piece of program text. 4 a a systematic collection of statutes, a body of laws so arranged as to avoid inconsistency and overlapping. b a set of rules on any subject. 5 a the prevailing morality of a society or class (code of honour). b a person's standard of moral behaviour. --v.tr. put (a message, program, etc.) into code. Phrases and idioms code-book a list of symbols etc. used in a code. code-name (or -number) a word or symbol (or number) used for secrecy or convenience instead of the usual name. Derivatives coder n. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L CODEX ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) код; система кодирования кодировать 2) программа, текст программы, код программировать, писать программу 3) технические условия 4) нормы и правила; правила эксплуатации - code of practice - absolute code - abstract code - address code - aeronautical code - algebraic code - alphanumeric code - alphameric code - answer-back code - antipollution code - area code - arithmetic code - authentication code - automatic code - balanced code - bar code - basic code - Baudot code - BCH code - best estimate code - binary code - binary-coded decimal code - binary decimal code - biphase code - bipolar code - block code - boiler code - Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem code - Building code - burst-correcting code - burst-detecting code - cable code - card code - carriage return code - chain code - channel code - character code - circulant code - close-packed code - color code - command code - compiled code - complementary code - completion code - component code - computer code - concatenated code - condition code - constant ratio code - control code - convolutional code - copy codes - cyclic code - cyclic redundancy code - decimal code - destination code - diffuse code - direct code - dot-and-dash code - double-adjacent error-correcting code - electrical code - end line code - entropy code - equal-length code - equidistant code - erroneous code - error code - error-checking code - error-correcting code - error-detecting code - escape code - excess-N code - executable code - Fibonacci code - fixed-length code - fixed-weight code - flag code - format code - function code - genetic code - Gray code - group code - Hamming code - Hanning code - Hollerith code - Huffman code - identifying code - illegal code - instruction code - interleaved code - interrogation code - inverse code - kill line code - letter code - linear code - line ignore code - machine-language code - machine code - macro code - majority-decodable code - micro...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  правила, свод правил codes of practice code of Practice on safety building code color code current design codes fire code local building codes safety code safety code for cranes seismic building code signal code state building code uniform building code weather code ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) код 2) шифр 3) программа – Able code – access code – adaptive predictive code – additional code – address code – Aiken code – Alpha code – alphabetic code – alphanumeric code – alternate mark inversion code – alternating code – ambush code – answer-back code – application code – area code – authentication code – automatic code – backward f-code – balanced code – bar code – Baudot code – binary code – bi-phase code – block code – Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenguem code – cable code – call direction code – called station code – calling code – carrier recovering code – CCIT2 code – central office code – closed group locking code – color code – command code – comma-free code – complement code – completion code – computer code – concatenated code – condition code – constant code – Continental code – continuous-radio code – convolutional code – correcting code – country code – creeping code – cyclic code – data code – data-network identification code – decade code – decimal code – dense-binary code – destination point code – device control codes – directing code – display-unlock code – distribution code – double-current cable code – double-pulse code – drop-frame time code – dynamic code – eight-level code – engineering code – equal-length code – error code – error-correcting code – error-detection code – error status code – even code – excessless code – execution operation code – extension-start code – extended binary-coded decimal-interchange code – fault code – n-digit code – frame rate code – framing code – gold code – Gray code – group start code – Hagelbarger code – Hamming code – identifying code – instruction code – international cable code – international dialing code – interpretative code – invalid code – inverse code – iterative code – letter code – line code – linear code – local code – long code – magnetic code – Manchester code...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) код, шифр кодировать 2) система кодирования 3) кодекс; свод 4) вчт. программа программировать, писать программу 5) нормы и правила; правила эксплуатации to pick off the code — снимать код - EBCDI code - Gray code - Hoffman code - Morse code - Van Duuren code - affine-invariant code - algebraic code - alternant code - antipalindromic code - authentication code - basis of code - binary code - biorthogonal code - biquinary code - block code - burst-error detecting code - cascade code - chain code - character code - cipher code - circulant code - color code - complement code - complete code - completely orthogonalized code - computer code - concatenated code - constacyclic code - constrained code - control code - convolutional code - correcting code - coset code - cyclic-plus code - decipherable code - decomposable code - degenerate code - dense code - densely packed code - descriptive code - distributive code - double-adjacent-error correcting code - double-error detecting code - dual code - efficiency of code - elementary code - equidistant code - equilibrium code - equiprobable code - erasive code - even-weight code - exit code - exponent code - expurgated code - extended code - five-unit code - forbidden code - frequency code - generalized code - graph-theoretic code - group code - ideal code - identification code - identity code - improved code - independent-error code - indexed code - inner code - instruction code - instrument a code - interpretative code - interrogation code - irreducible code - irredundant code - irreversible code - iterated code - iterative code - length of code - letter code - linear code - literal code - machine code - machine-language code - make-up code - many error correcting code - master code - matrix code - maximal code - maximal length code - maximum-length-sequence code - minimal code - minimum-delay code - minimum-distance code - minimum-latency code - mnemonic code -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) код; шифр; кодировать 2) (управляющая) программа; текст программы; программировать 3) кодовая система, система кодирования, кодировка 4) команда; (машинное) слово 5) индекс ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) система кодирования; код; кодировать 2) кодекс, свод законов 3) индекс – code of industrial property – alphabetic code – bar code – cataloging code – classification code – commercial code – decimal code – indexing codes – law code CODE сущ. 1) юр. кодекс, свод законов 2) законы чести/морали 3) код • - City code - Code of Dealing - Commercial Code - Internal Revenue Code IRC - Internal Revenue Code - absolute code - alphanumeric code - area code - bar code label - bar code - building code - civil code - code identification code - code message - code of civil procedure - code of conduct - code of fair information practice - code of laws - code of recommended practice - labour code Syn: coding system, cipher, keyword ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  код – antipollution code – commaless code – degenerated code – genetic code – nucleotide triplet code – timing code ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кодекс, свод законов civil code —- гражданский кодекс criminal code —- уголовный кодекс code of commerce —- торговый кодекс Black C. —- ам. "Черный кодекс" (рабовладельческие законы до отмены рабства) 2. законы, принципы (чести, морали) moral code —- моральный кодекс code of honour —- законы чести to live up to the code of the school —- поступать согласно традициям школы 3. код Morse code —- код Морзе telegraphic code —- телеграфный код code map —- мор. кодированная карта code beacon —- мор. сигнальный маяк code panel —- ав. сигнальное полотнище code generator —- комп. генератор команд code line —- комп. строка программы 4. шифр a telegram in code —- шифрованная телеграмма, шифрограмма, шифровка 5. биол. генетический код 6. комп. программа 7. ком. маркировка; шифр, индекс (продукта) 8. кодифицировать; кодировать; шифровать 9. биол. определять генетический код 10. ком. маркировать; проставлять или присваивать шифр, индекс ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of ethics моральный кодекс CODE  1. noun  1) leg. кодекс, свод законов - civil code - criminal code  2) код - Morse code  3) законы чести, морали; моральные нормы code(s) of conduct - нормы поведения Syn: see law  2. v. шифровать по коду, кодировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »BEHAVIOUR« a set of rules that tell people how to behave in their life or in certain situations  (code of conduct/behaviour)  (Fry rejected the accepted code of behaviour and married one of his servants.) 2 »RULES/LAWS« a set of written rules or laws  (Each state in the US has a different criminal and civil code. | dress code (=rule about what clothes you must wear in a school, business etc)) 3 code of practice a set of rules that people in a particular business or profession agree to obey  (The film industry wants to produce a code of practice for employers.) 4 »SECRET MESSAGE« a system of words, letters, or signs that you use instead of ordinary words when you are writing something that you want to keep secret  (in code)  (Send your reports in code. | break/crack a code (=manage to understand a secret code)) 5 »SIGNS GIVING INFORMATION« a set of numbers, letters, or signs that show what something is or give information about it  (Most countries have some form of postal code that speeds mail delivery.)  (- see also bar code, postcode, zip code) 6 »TELEPHONES« dialling code, STD code BrE the group of numbers that come before a telephone number when you are calling from a different area; area code AmE  (What's the code for Aberdeen?) 7 »COMPUTERS« a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do  (- see also machine code, source code) 8 »SOUNDS/SIGNALS« a system of sounds or signals that represent words or letters when they are sent by machine  (a telegraphic code)  (- see also Morse code) ~2 v 1 to put a set of numbers, letters, or signs on something to show what it is or give information about it  (Product orders should be coded according to where they will be shipped.) 2 to put a message in code so that it is secret 3 colour code to mark a group of things with different colours so that you can tell the difference between them - coded adj  (a coded message) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  astronom. abbr. Creation Out Of Deep Energy educ. abbr. Community Organized Drug Education law abbr. Community Oriented Drug Enforcement ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1303, from O.Fr. code "system of laws," from L. codex, earlier caudex "book, book of laws," lit. "tree trunk," hence, wooden tablet for writing. The sense in "secret code" is 1808. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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